Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
Leonard Teo
erm..born in 1993 june 29..lol
hook me up
Camellia Jacq Marian Nard Suki Yinz Ellora Chia Yi Houw Czee Yuan Cheng Shanice Delia Andrea Susan Hannah Hui Chian Anlia Chris Sheldon Hui Hooee

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I'm very sorry about it..

all i can say is sorry..
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Rumah Yakin
dis the trophy dat our rumah get1!!2day,i owes scared my 200m will lose..bt jian xiangowes tel me i cn win 1..thanks to him..the event dat i get all get 1st place..haha...we will bcum more faster !!!
dis stupid long leg...haha..
dis photo i very curious..erm,camellia u r running or flying?haha...cheer up=)

duno y rebecca laugh until so happy..haha..n dat white t-shirt 1 is how zhee..he oso ntbad..=)
sze tak,robert,jian xiang n me...
our boys B get the highiest mark!!!yeah!!!n get alot medals...
thanks to him..he owes encourage me..hahaha..u looks nerd in dis photo..haha..anyways..Thank u!!!
lazy update lw..haha

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Sport day
Haiz..still left 3 days we are going to padang jubilee lw......so fast ar...
so nervous...felt so nervous...i think the day before sport day sure knt sleep 1...owes thinking..haha..
oh yea..2day is sum1 birthday..haha..Happy Birthday!!!the birthday girl is a small little girl..no nid to say her name out la..bt gv u sum clues..her name start wif "C"~
Dun 4gt to chia me drink o..u say wan chia me 1..sport day i will rmb ask uchia..hahaha..
k la,felt so sleepy lw...waiting 4 June 29..a special day 2..haha..


BY:Leonard Teo K.W
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The last at padang jubilee training...
Duno wat happen to her...siao lw...haha...say wan to chia me drink water...i owes wait 4 her2 chia...when sukan i wan double..haha..N dun worried i wont tel any1 ur secret 1...hahaha..

he is watching video...bt....duno wat video o??haha
dis girl omos taller den me...her leg is so long...

2day is the last day at padang jubilee training..n dats mean holiday is over...
bt 2day reali very fun...me,camellia,rachel and yao sian...go to the kopitiam to eat ''abc''

den yao sian suddenly say sumthing dat was ''BAD"onli a few of us knw nia..haha..n when yao sian telling story ,they r 2kids open their mouth n listen haha...bt we onli chat bout 30min like dat...nt enoufar...haha..monday all the kuching high student will be very scared..bcus teacher will return the test paper to us...i oso very scare i failed ar...2day was reali happy=)
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Lastnite go hospital c my aunty..
my family came and visit my aunt..
oh yea...dats me..i jus wake up ar..i felt so tired...

my mum so worried my aunty...haizz..hope she can quickly felt better..
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Holiday?! I need more time..
During holiday,im so busy..bcus gt chineseproject nid to type bout 15 essay..!!!

So many nid to type..and must find information..ah!!so tired arghx..can't the teacher let us rest?!
So many project oreadi make me fel so tired,i still gt training,must wake up early...knt slp until very late..
Haizz...din hv any time to relax..owes so busy...y must gv us project ??

I want my holiday longer..bout 1month like dat..hahaha..(nt funny)..
if reali let me relax 1 month,i sure every happy haha..
yesterday when i online Kher San ask me go youtube listen a korean sing ''touch my body''(tucnh my barreh)haha..it is so many...thanks to her ,let me laugh until my stomach so pain..haha

Haizz..felt so tired nw..wan to go to bed at sleep lw..haha..


Im too boring lw..

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Padang Jubilee!!
Before i go padang jubilee training..my car pass by THE SPRING
i saw dis tree is so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

dis 1 oso nice...still gt 1 tree the flower iswhite 1...
den i reach padang jubilee...i saw a girl so rajin...u who is dis girl??she Camellia...she is a childish girl..like to eat ice-cream..
n she challenge me run 400m..dat is impossible to me..run long distance very "chuan" arghx..

when i steal BON bicycle(actually when i steal his bicycle,he
was looking at me..so nt steal la..is borrow...haha)oh yea,when i
riding bon bicycle..i owes hear sum sound...example:Leonard,
dat camellia..ask me jog wif her..den she suddenly run fast..
i jus finish eating my breakfast nia...she reali looks like small kids..
cus she very childish...haha...

after training i ate dis...very nice u cn go try it=)

nothing to blog lw..
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Holiday!!nth to do..the things dat i cn do in holiday is online,play games n bla bla bla...
during the holiday i felt so boring..i always use computer until 3am or 4am...den wake up at 1pm..so late..cus very tired...

start from 2mrw must wake up early n go training..so tired arghx...
oh yea..my birthday is coming..haha..haha...

duno wan to write 1 liao..so boring~..

k larhx...want to go to bed liao...so tired...n 2mrw must go training..


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